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Sunday, May 6, 2012

The First Command


Yeahhhhh,,,it was so long time I had quitted for a while from writing in this 'house'!...If this blog is a real house, for sure there’re  a thick of dust and spider webs can be found throughout the house.

Back to our core business, today, I’m just remembered some issues about adultery, babies dumping anywhere and so on that related to the ' famous' social problems in our communities nowadays..These issues could be a highlighted topic in the first page of some local newspapers. However, there's a question that keep crossing in my mind, how come there’re some women or ladies that wearing hijab, but still can have gut to commit adultery? Is the wearing hijab be the first command to prevent adultery or any 'haram' things in the relationship of women n men? Which surah in the Quran has told us about the ethic in relationship between men and women who are not 'mahram'?

The common reason that I always listen from people for my first question is, " alah, don't judge a book by its cover. It is not necessarily for women who r wearing hijab will be the nice one, do not do mistake as others, kind in all time...n bla..bla..bla..." or in a very simple sentences, " x semestinye yg pakai tdung tu iman die kuat ". Actually, I do tired on listening to all these kind of " rubbish" answers that cannot help me to find the precise answer for my curiosity….but later, I did found the answer while I was watching a convention about Muslimah.

Oooookay,,,let’s we open the Quran and see what is the first command that Allah has told us regarding the men and women who r not mahram, in Surah An-Nur.

The first command was heading for Men as we can see in verse 30, Allah said :

 “Tell the believing men to lower their gaze, and guard their modesty, this is purer for them. Surely God is well-Aware of their actions.”

Next, in verse 31, this sentence was heading for Women. Allah said :

“ And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity, and not to reveal their adornment except what normally appears thereof let the draw their veils over their bosoms and reveal not their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their fathers in law, their sons, their stepsons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons or their sisters’ sons, their womenfolk, their servants, elderly male attendants who lack vigor, or young children unaware of women’s nudity. And let them not strike their feet drawing attention to their hidden adornments. O believers! Turns to God in repentance, all of you, so that you may succeed.”

As we can see from the both verses ( 30 n 31 ) of surah An Nur, Allah says the first command is to lower our gaze, second to guard our chastity or modesty and the third is about hijab and covering ‘aurat’. It’s not the hijab first. Most people are always stressing on wearing the hijab (for women), but very rarely on reminding to each other about the first and the second commands which are the most important things in order to follow the next commands truly.

Why lowering our gaze be the first for both men and women? Because everything will come through the eyes. Everything is starting from the eyes. I still remember there' s a sister has told me this before, " Orang yang baik2 pun boleh berzina, why? she asked me. Sebab berlama2an dlm berurusan, lama2 boleh jadi perkara lain." There's one thing we should realize that we are not the angles, we are human being. Our faith are always going up and down. 

Therefore, we must struggle to remind ourselves and others about that first command, then we can proceed with the next commands. If we can’t practice the first, how can we proceed with the second, third n so on…let’s do some reflection alright, because we are not just seeking for the HIDAYAH but also the TAUFIK J .

- "Lord, grant me the strength to change the things I can, the courage to accept the things I can't, and the wisdom to know the difference."- quoted
