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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Giving up is not an option

Everybody got something they had to leave behind,

One regret from yesterday, that just seems to grow with time,

There's no use looking back or wondering,

How could it be now or might of been,

Oh, this I know, but still can't find ways to let you go.

I never had a dream come true, till the day I found you, 
(this is somebody will be said when she/he got the unpredictable good news as regards to all her/his hardworking all the time, and as a Muslim, spontaneously will say, " Alhamdulillah", all praise to Allah.)

I never found the words to say, you're the one I think about each day,
( this syndrome is commonly being detected when we have a problem on how to cope with our assignments such as presentation, scrap books, thesis, research, etc), don't worry for not have the words to say, every single problem may has its own resolution. Just ask from Allah, to seek for the help. Make dua' is so important as a Muslim. Doing Tahajjud prayer will serve us with an amazing calmness.)

And I know no matter where life takes me to,

A parts of me, will always be with you,
(follow the excellence and success will chase you)

Oh, this I know, but still I can't find ways to let you go,
( Do not give up, as long as we are trying our best)

There's no use looking back or wondering,

because love is a strange and funny thing,
( Yes, that's it! I wish to get a job that I love to do. Sometimes, there's a bit difficulties we have to face, even we work on the field that we love, because love only is not equal to the expertise, that's called as strange & funny).

Yes, these are what happened to me in anytime. 

It is hard for me to be good in english, in its writing and speaking. But I want to try always, always & always! Practice make perfect.

It is hard for me to catch up and being expert in all the topic of my study field even I love it so much!! Why??? Love without trying to understand and work on it, then will be nothing...

It is hard for me to do all the things in the same time..Why??? Because sometimes I failed to isolate the things due to their priority...

It is hard for me to complete my writing on my first novela...Why??? Because it is not as easy as abc to create an idea to continue it..arghhh,,I'm stuck on the chapter 7,,and I have to get the points for the next coming 3 more chapters!!! hu2..sob3x..

P/S: the sentences those are not in the bracket, are come from the "Never had a dream come true" lyric, which is a love song to somebody actually....but since I do not want to jump into the song's meaning directly, therefore I jump into my own perception about love..It is too subjective...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Kesunyian apekah?? what the loneliness..


Alhamdulillah, sudah selamat sampai ke kolej kediaman...
Perasaan?? bercampur baur...xcited! gembira! sedih! pilu! emmm,,OTP pun ade kowt..
Orang takde perasaan...

Semester ni, merupakan semester ke-3 saye di menuntut dan tinggal di sini..
Kat rumah, bukan main semangat lagi nak mulakan kuliah macam biasa...
InsyaAllah, mudah2an dipermudahkan segala urusan...

Buat ape tu???
Penat mengemas barang2 belum lagi hilang,,tapi alhamdulillah bilik ni sudah dikemas dengan baik..
Cuma?????????? Kenapa???????

Semester ini saya rasa sedih sangat2, sebab saye duduk bilik sebesar ini, sangat selesa, kemudahan bagus,,malangnya saya tidak ber 'roomate'...
Bagi saya, saya x biasa tinggal di sesuatu tempat tanpa ade orng lain bersama sekali duduk dengan sye...
Saya rindu roomate sye yg dlu..name dia Kak Suzi...cheerful je orngnye! asal msuk bilik je ade je topik nak dibualkan..lagipun die kakak senior, so, bnyk bende yg dikongsikan dengan saya!! I love you, sis for the seek of Allah!!!..

Cuba bygkan ye,,cmnelah nak dpt semangat mengharung hidup tinggal bersendirian..bkn x pernah langsung,,
pernah je tinggal sorng tpi xde la sampai 6 bulan terus..he2..lame tuuu..
Kat sini mmng sume 1 bilik 1 orng kot..sye x pasti semua ke x...klo tinggal 1 bilik sorng, tpi tempat ni cheerful, havoc sje,,xde la terasa sngt sorng2...

Aras tempat sye tinggal, sangt sunyi,,jiran sblh kiri sye seorng yg berbangsa cina,,belum sempat berkenalan lagi, tpi x familiar plk sblm ni...sblh kanan plk ade 2 bilik, tpi kosong...lampu koridor pun x hidup...myb rosak n belum sempat gantilah kot....maka kesunyian dlm kesuraman cahaya,,begitulah nmpaknya..

Bertambah rasa kesunyian tu sebab, cume sorang dua je penghuni di blok ini yg merupakan coursemate sye...ngeee~..klo mcm ni,,mmng sye x sbr nak tggu keesokan hri,,tiap2 hari waktu siang agar sye bole cepat2 keluar ke kuliah atau mane2 spya dpt berjumpa dngn kawan2 sye...=)..sdngkan klo dulu semasa di sem 1 n 2, roomate sye keluar g kuliah ke mana2 ke,,klo mase tu sye bru terjaga dri lena,,rse nak nangis sebb,,yelah,,bangun2 je,,mne sume orng???? rse cm ditinggalkn sorng2 plk..he2..maka bertambah jugaklah kesunyian di kala mentelaah pelajaran nanti....

Sepatutnya bila bersendirian + sunyi plk tu,,bole lah fokus kan?? tapi bagi saye tidak..sye suke bila ade orng lain turut study bersama-sama,,atau buat kerja msing2..bgi saye mcm tu bru rse khusyuk n best nak study....klo sorng2 n sunyi sepi,,perasaan lain plk dtg..aduhai..=( unlike, unlike, unlike...he2

So, mlm ni sye habiskan mse dngn membaca blog2 yang bermanfaat n best2 belaka..nothing to do...harap2,,,bila ade assignmnt by group nanti,,bilik sye nilah akan dijadikan tempat untuk berdiskusi,,tpi perempuan sje lah ea...klo melibatkan kaum lelaki dlm kerja tugasan berkumpulan, bole lah diskusi kat library or gazebo sje....

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Friends, Comrades, Buddies

Mom said,

Friends are look like bees,

When the honey run out, the rest will be thrown away..

Dad said,

Friends look like roses,

They looked wonderful, but painful when we touched them..

Grandma said,

Friends can be such a moon,

They are adored and admired, but away off there..

Grandpa said,

Friends are like water,

They will keep flowing..

Cousin said,

Friends seem to be like food,
They can be good or bad to us.

Brother said,

Friend like a cow,

Just follow the talk.

Sister said,

Friends can be like durian,

Keep a pleasant smell, but rotten flesh inside.

Baby said,

Friends can be biscuits,

Sometimes they appear next to us, 

Sometimes they disappeared away from us.

But what can I say,

What ever the friends are looked like,

They are always be my friends.


When our friends are doing something good and beneficial, 

Go to join them, but if it is otherwise,

Do not isolate them,

But try hardly to pull their hands up to well being..

Cinta Sang Artis

Cinta sang artis,
Bermula manis,
Berakhir tragis.

Hidup seorang artis,
Bermula praktis,
Berakhir sadis.

Tutur seorang artis,
Bermula optimis,
Berakhir pesimis.

Harapan seorang artis,
Bagaikan air minitis,
Di dalam tapis tiris,
Lalu jatuh ke lapis,
Gambut yang menghiris........

p/s : dinukilkan masa saya di tingkatan empat, lantaran lambakan kes penceraian yang meningkat ketika itu khususnya lebih melibatkan pasangan daripada kelompok artis...

<> Inspired by my dad, who is an expert of Malay Literature Studies.

A cup of fun & a plate of jokes..

Sketsa 1 :

Cikgu : Ayah awak dah dapat kerja ke?

Aman : Dah cikgu, baru je...

Cikgu : Owh, baguslah kalau macam tu..keje apa, Man?

Aman : Penjual perabot, cikgu...

Cikgu : bagus tu. Camne perniagaannya setakat ni?

Aman : Maju, cikgu. Sangat laris jualannya, cuma tinggal katil je kat rumah kami..

Sketsa 2 :

Amin mengalami masalah terlebih berat badan. Dia berjumpa dengan doktor untuk mendapatkan nasihat..

Doktor : Owh cmtu ke..hmm, saya syorkan supaya awak berlari sejauh 6 kilometer sehari...

Amin : Kalau macam tu, berapa lama berat badan saya akan berkurangan?

Doktor : Tak lama, cuma 3 minggu je, mesti dapat kurangkan 10 kilogram...lebih baik dan berkesan
              daripada awak makan pil, tidur and belum pasti kurus!

Tiga minggu kemudian.....................

Kringggg!!! Kring!!!!!!

Doktor : Hello??

Amin : Dr, ni saya, Amin. Pesakit yang doktor suruh lari 6 km sehari tu...

Doktor : Owh, hah, kenapa?

Amin : Saya ada msalah besar ni..

Doktor : Apa bendanya?

Amin : Kini saya berada 126 km dari rumah...

Sketsa 3 :

In a restaurant..........

Customer : waiter! waiter! come here!

Waiter : Yes, sir! what's up?

Customer : There is a fly in my soup!

Waiter : Don't worry, sir. The spider on your table will eat it up..

Customer : wait! I said, there's a fly in my soup!

Waiter : What do you expect for RM 1.00, sir? A duck?

Customer : What is that fly doing in my soup?

Waiter : It is swimming, sir!

Sketsa 4 :

Patient : Doctor, my head gonna spinning.

Dentist : Stay quite and don't stir yourself. I'm checking your mouth.

Patient : Doctor, what's the best way to quit from smoking?

Dentist : Try to avoid setting fire to yourself.

Patient : Do you have a good news or bad news?

Dentist : Both.

Patient : Let me know the good news first.

Dentist : Your tooth are quite perfect..

Patient : Then, what is the bad?

Dentist : Your gums are so bad. I have to take out all your tooth

Sketsa 5 :

Amani : What do you get when a cow get stuck in an earthquake?

Amina : I think it should a cup of milkshake.

Amani : What do you think the longest word you ever mention?

Amina : Smile...

Amani : Why with that word?

Amina : because it has 'mile' in it.

Amani : What do you think the day do the chicken hate most?

Amina : Fry day

Amani : When you see a ghost, what do you think to serve for its dessert?

Amina : I scream

Sketsa 6 :

Atiq : Sape beruk?

Amin : Kaulah beruk.

Afiq : Tak. Kaulah..

Cikgu : Ni ape beruk-beruk ni?

Afiq : Ni cikgu, Amin kata saya beruk.

Cikgu : Sini kamu berdua. Cuba tengok tangan kamu berdua, ade beza?

Amin : Tak cikgu!

Cikgu : Cuba tengok mata, hidung dan telinga kamu berdua? ade lain ke?

Afiq : Tak cikgu. Sama sje.

Cikgu : Hah, kalau Amin kata Afiq beruk, Amin pun sama lah. Faham ?

Afiq dan Amin : Faham cikgu!

Sketsa 7 :

Cikgu : Aman, kenapa hantar kertas lukisan kosong? Ape yang kamu nak lukis?

Aman : Lembu memakan rumput.

Cikgu : Mana lembu dan rumputnya ?

Aman : Rumput dah abis kene makan, lepas makan lembu pun pergi. Jadi takde apa yang saya nak lukis, cikgu.

Sketsa 8 :

Ali : Ayah, Ali tak gila. Ali tak gila..

Ayah : kejap sjelah. Doktor cuma nak periksa. Ayah nak kan kepastian sje.

Doktor mental : Adik, 1 + 1 sama dengan berapa ?

Ali : 3!

Doktor mental : Adik ni lelaki ke perempuan?

Ali : Perempuan!

Ayah : Ali, jawablah betul-betul. Kau jangan buat ayah macam ni, jangan bagi jawapan bodoh.

Ali : Ali memang betul. Ali tak gila. Sapa suruh doktor bagi Ali soalan bodoh.

Sketsa 9 :

Chemistry teacher : What is the chemical symbol for barium, Afiqa?

Afiqa : Ba, madam.

Chemistry teacher : Sodium ?

Afiqa : Na, madam.

Chemistry teacher : So, what would we get after we add one molecule of barium into two molecules of sodium?

Afiqa : BaNaNa, madam.

Chemistry teacher : ?????????????

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My dream car.

Volkswagen Beetle's Story, instead of Raya Event...he2

A Volkswagen Beetle, year 1972. Hah, just reminded me to my friend's dad. Her father ever had this one. The sound was " dudududududdudduud". What a funny tune. Guessed looked like a tortoise, ayte? So, cute and unique. Besides, this kind of car has possessed a waterproof property, that meant it can be floated when the flood come or slipped into the river or lake or any watery area. A touch of amazed technology by Germany Company.

This is the latest one model of Volkswagen Beetle. I do love it. Love its pattern and colour. Pink is my choice. The price is so expensive oooo..for the new edition is about RM139 888.00. Where can I get the money, since I am a university student yet =(. So, I can just keep it up till I have finished up my study first, got the job and save the money..hehehe. My mom ever asked me, " Why do you like this kind of car?" "Look, the pattern is so strange, like a childish mini car, small space, plus the colour is pink, ohh my dear." Then I just answered her. " Ummi, I do like the thing that looks like strange and funny. Ermm, no, actually it is unique. Cheerful, ayte? Hehehe"

This is light pink in colour. An open-close roof. All the model have the same properties.

I saw this one, yesterday, while I was in the journey to Perak. The plat is KB something. Wahh, that's my nickname! So jealousy!

I ever saw this colour of volkswagen beetle in my study place. Wahh, don't know who's its owner. Just now, I see in the internet, the price for the year 2000 model is around RM67 800. Unfortunately, it is still under my capability. So, do collect the money, first ya!