Spread the salaam

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A cup of fun & a plate of jokes..

Sketsa 1 :

Cikgu : Ayah awak dah dapat kerja ke?

Aman : Dah cikgu, baru je...

Cikgu : Owh, baguslah kalau macam tu..keje apa, Man?

Aman : Penjual perabot, cikgu...

Cikgu : bagus tu. Camne perniagaannya setakat ni?

Aman : Maju, cikgu. Sangat laris jualannya, cuma tinggal katil je kat rumah kami..

Sketsa 2 :

Amin mengalami masalah terlebih berat badan. Dia berjumpa dengan doktor untuk mendapatkan nasihat..

Doktor : Owh cmtu ke..hmm, saya syorkan supaya awak berlari sejauh 6 kilometer sehari...

Amin : Kalau macam tu, berapa lama berat badan saya akan berkurangan?

Doktor : Tak lama, cuma 3 minggu je, mesti dapat kurangkan 10 kilogram...lebih baik dan berkesan
              daripada awak makan pil, tidur and belum pasti kurus!

Tiga minggu kemudian.....................

Kringggg!!! Kring!!!!!!

Doktor : Hello??

Amin : Dr, ni saya, Amin. Pesakit yang doktor suruh lari 6 km sehari tu...

Doktor : Owh, hah, kenapa?

Amin : Saya ada msalah besar ni..

Doktor : Apa bendanya?

Amin : Kini saya berada 126 km dari rumah...

Sketsa 3 :

In a restaurant..........

Customer : waiter! waiter! come here!

Waiter : Yes, sir! what's up?

Customer : There is a fly in my soup!

Waiter : Don't worry, sir. The spider on your table will eat it up..

Customer : wait! I said, there's a fly in my soup!

Waiter : What do you expect for RM 1.00, sir? A duck?

Customer : What is that fly doing in my soup?

Waiter : It is swimming, sir!

Sketsa 4 :

Patient : Doctor, my head gonna spinning.

Dentist : Stay quite and don't stir yourself. I'm checking your mouth.

Patient : Doctor, what's the best way to quit from smoking?

Dentist : Try to avoid setting fire to yourself.

Patient : Do you have a good news or bad news?

Dentist : Both.

Patient : Let me know the good news first.

Dentist : Your tooth are quite perfect..

Patient : Then, what is the bad?

Dentist : Your gums are so bad. I have to take out all your tooth

Sketsa 5 :

Amani : What do you get when a cow get stuck in an earthquake?

Amina : I think it should a cup of milkshake.

Amani : What do you think the longest word you ever mention?

Amina : Smile...

Amani : Why with that word?

Amina : because it has 'mile' in it.

Amani : What do you think the day do the chicken hate most?

Amina : Fry day

Amani : When you see a ghost, what do you think to serve for its dessert?

Amina : I scream

Sketsa 6 :

Atiq : Sape beruk?

Amin : Kaulah beruk.

Afiq : Tak. Kaulah..

Cikgu : Ni ape beruk-beruk ni?

Afiq : Ni cikgu, Amin kata saya beruk.

Cikgu : Sini kamu berdua. Cuba tengok tangan kamu berdua, ade beza?

Amin : Tak cikgu!

Cikgu : Cuba tengok mata, hidung dan telinga kamu berdua? ade lain ke?

Afiq : Tak cikgu. Sama sje.

Cikgu : Hah, kalau Amin kata Afiq beruk, Amin pun sama lah. Faham ?

Afiq dan Amin : Faham cikgu!

Sketsa 7 :

Cikgu : Aman, kenapa hantar kertas lukisan kosong? Ape yang kamu nak lukis?

Aman : Lembu memakan rumput.

Cikgu : Mana lembu dan rumputnya ?

Aman : Rumput dah abis kene makan, lepas makan lembu pun pergi. Jadi takde apa yang saya nak lukis, cikgu.

Sketsa 8 :

Ali : Ayah, Ali tak gila. Ali tak gila..

Ayah : kejap sjelah. Doktor cuma nak periksa. Ayah nak kan kepastian sje.

Doktor mental : Adik, 1 + 1 sama dengan berapa ?

Ali : 3!

Doktor mental : Adik ni lelaki ke perempuan?

Ali : Perempuan!

Ayah : Ali, jawablah betul-betul. Kau jangan buat ayah macam ni, jangan bagi jawapan bodoh.

Ali : Ali memang betul. Ali tak gila. Sapa suruh doktor bagi Ali soalan bodoh.

Sketsa 9 :

Chemistry teacher : What is the chemical symbol for barium, Afiqa?

Afiqa : Ba, madam.

Chemistry teacher : Sodium ?

Afiqa : Na, madam.

Chemistry teacher : So, what would we get after we add one molecule of barium into two molecules of sodium?

Afiqa : BaNaNa, madam.

Chemistry teacher : ?????????????

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