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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Very Unwanted Mode

Assalamu'alaikum =)

Finale Exam is very around the corner....so near, so warm, so soon n so n so more...hhaha

Examsssss?? who like it?? I don't like it...seriously don't like it....but have to...what can I do.....

It's need more energy, more thinking activities, more memorizing effort, more recall actions, more theoretical application ...more n more...

No relax2 nnti dlulah, goyang2 kaki moment sambil makan cikedis depan tv or flat screen tanpa wayar itu...no play station remote and cd games....(ohho this is bad habit n laziness tahap maksima daa)

To be frank, I do never sit for an exam without nervous....even all notes have been studied, but I still feel that I am not ready enough....ohhoo what a bad feeling....

Then, what come out in my mind is what kind of exams that can be held without giving huge stress and nervous feeling to students?? so far, no idea...mybe one day...

Okeh, stop from being mengarut lagi, do all the things by lillahi ta'ala....when sincerity comes, then Allah will make our difficulties turn to ease...

Lastly, Allahumma najjikhna fi kulli imtihan...

Al-du'a sallahul mukmin :-

اللهُمَّ لا سَهْلَ إلا مَا جَعَلتَهُ سَهْلا وَ أنتَ تَجْعَلُ الحزْنَ إذا شِئْتَ سَهْل

Maksud: “Ya Allah, tiada kemudahan melainkan apa yang Engkau jadikan mudah, & Engkau dpt mjadikn tanah (yang sulit dan keras), (yakni kesusahan), itu mudah jika engkau mahukan”-Hadith driwayatkn Ibnu Sinni&Ibnu Hibban.

P/S : Life also an exam and the biggest exam hall is the Earth

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